vrijdag 10 januari 2014

In a argument with an Erdogan Fanboy ?

The lies and propagandamachine of the "Development and Justice Party (AKP) 

In this article I will write about several arguments Erdogan-cocksuckers time by time use to say that they're right. So if you don't know what to say you can just check this list out.

1) Erdogan wants more Islam in Turkey, what's wrong with that ?
*A typical Erdogan cocksucker reaction, first of all we're not anti-islamic or islamophobic like most of you retarded AKP-supporters think. We are supporters of the secular state, this means that the Republic of Turkey has no religion. Is this bad ? No, this prevents retarded people to abuse religion and because we see islam like a religion and not like a political ideoligy fucktards.

2) Erdogan did many things for the Turkish Economy ! 
*Actually he didn't do shit, the only reason the Turkish economy improved is because of the fact that investors from other nations put their dicks in the Turkish economy. 
*Secondly, the Turkish economy relies on consumption and is more like a credit based economy, people in Turkey have 3 creditcards or more, the same in Turkey is happening what in Spain happened, the only difference is that Turkey isn't a member of the European Union and can't really gain support when it comes in a depression.

3) All those journalists in Turkey are Terorrists ! 
*There was never been a proper investigation for those journalists, there wasn't even a trail for them. How can you judge then that they're terorrists and by the way..

4) Everyone who is against Erdogan is a kafir !!
*Listen up piece of shit, in my city almost every Turk is for AKP and almost everyone of them drinks alcohol, smoke, do drugs and every thursdayevening they go out, to go to the mosque the next day to ask for forgiveness. And after that they go to the betcenter. And you guys want a sharia state ?
*Nobody has given you the right to call someone kafir, only Allah has the right to say that, do you see yourself greater than Allah ?

5) Erdogan does everything ensure the protection of our country !
*26 protestors were arrested because they wore heavy weapons, they were sentenced for 6 months jail. Let me explain this retarded piece of shit, they wore DIVING MASKS to PROTECT them from the TEARGASS. Understand it ?

*The Turkish army, one of the biggest land forces in the world, has not even 1 general, because they are all put in prison, while PKK-Terorrists are being released after commiting an terorristic attack or killing Turkish soldiers.

Erdogan sucking Kurdish dicks

Turkish mother crying for her died son

6) It's a conspiracy from America !
*more information needed ?

7) It's a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Turkey, because they fear the Rise Ottoman Empire !!!
*just die

8) Gezi protest were just dumb hooligans who wanted to destroy Turkey, they also attacked the police first !!

look the protestor are so brutal !!!! 
yes the protestors were so brutal -.- brainwashed dumbass

9) Erdogan brings democracy to Turkey !
*“Democracy is like a train. You take it where you have to go, and then you get off” -Erdogan.
Turkey is the country with the most journalists in prison.
Do I need to say more ? 

10) It's just the western media who wants the spread bad thing about Turkey
*moron, fuck you, and die.
11) Everbody fears Erdogan, he's our world leader !!!

I hoped that I've helped you, say when you enter a discussion with an AKP-member, you can use these arguments !
After that he will probaly freak out like a retard..
And as last this is one of my first blogs so don't mind my english or lay-out ;)

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